by Brad Myler
The process of SSI applications and (Social Security) disability is generally not a simple one. You might have a condition that could make it difficult or even impossible for you to work, but that does not automatically mean you will be able to receive SSI benefits. Because of the complexity of the application and appeals process, you may benefit from seeking some type of help, such as one of our disability advocate.
However, before you decide to apply online, there are a few important points you will need to be familiar with.
Know Your Eligibility
You can check out eligibility requirements for SSI disability by browsing our site, which has details about different types of Social Security Disability benefits. You will be required to explain the reasons why you cannot work, the disability or disabilities that you suffer from, and your current income and financial situation.
Collect Documents
The next step is to prove you are disabled. This can consist of providing medical documents that show you are disabled, testimonials, journal entries, work records, and a whole host of other potential documents. Your medical records and determination of disability by medical professionals are extremely important to establishing your disability.
Collect Proof of Income and Assets
Proving income and assets can be a more difficult process than proving you are disabled. You will need to provide financial records, tax records, pay stubs, information about other assets, and possibly even information about where you are living and with whom. The income restriction is a very stringent requirement, and you WILL need to prove that your situation qualifies.
Apply for Disability
While you can apply for Social Security Online or fill-out an application at an SSA office near you, there is another option. A skilled disability attorney or advocate can assist you in filing, such as those at Trajector Disability (formerly Myler Disability). You can also request the help of a health professional, but that isn’t always sufficient.
Get Assistance
This process can be complicated and time-consuming. The waiting process usually takes a minimum of six months before you receive any judgment. Our disability advocates are here to help you, and their expertise can help to avoid many of the most common filing mistakes. In some cases, we may even be able to represent you at an appeals hearing, if that becomes necessary.
For further SSI help or information on SSI back pay, contact Trajector Disability Advocates.